You can find our Shop/Account FAQ here.
Yes, we would also accept money orders, checks and electronic methods such as Western Union. However, in all cases, the payment has to clear before the product is sent out. Please contact us for more info.
Yes, the install package you receive contains both Windows and OS X installers.
Yes, you will be notified via email and sent a link if/when updates become available. Updates are free for the life of the product.
Yes and no. Our products are compatible with Catalina, but some of our installers are not. So, it is generally recommended that you do not use our products with Catalina until we officially add support for Catalina in our installers.
Yes, our Live-related products are compatible with every edition of Live.
Yes, all of our Live-related products are compatible with Live 10.
If the product you purchased utilizes MT Player, installers for MT Player will be supplied along with the product you purchased.
Preset manuals are accessed via the “?” button on MT Player. This button will access the manual for whichever preset is currently loaded in MT Player.
No, MT Player can only run one preset at a time. However, it is possible to run multiple instances of MT Player (one for each preset).
No, only MT Player can open MT Player presets. However, MT Player and MT Pro can be used in tandem, which does allow you to modify how the presets function to a certain extent.
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